Thursday, February 11, 2010

My New Radio Show

We had our last Siamese Libertines show tonight on CJLO.  Lots of fun, nostalgia, hilarity, sugar, caffeine and sugar abounded.  It was the end of an era lasting 7 years and about 3 years for yours truly.

I now assume the time slot of 8pm to 10pm EST on Thursday nights going forward.  I have chosen the name of the show and I'm starting next week.

The show is called "Dirty Work" and it'll be full of musical goodness and all sorts of tomfoolery.

I will be linking this blog to my profile on and I'm hoping with all of this new activity that I will be updating way more frequently than I have.  Perhaps this will make for more traffic from the kids attending Concordia University in Montreal, but we'll see for now.

I'm really stoked about the new show.  I think that with all of my corporate responsibilities and my home idle time that this will allow for me to balance everything out.  I'm also learning about capturing and posting the shows, so one of the things I hope to do is make these available online for streaming outside of the regular time it goes on the air.

Stay tuned Thursday nights from 8pm to 10pm on or 1690AM!

1 comment:

WarrDog said...

I think you should open every show by threatening to change the name of the show.